Meet the Gardeners 69" - 77"

Gardener pages: 1 - 12 / 13 - 24 / 25 - 36 / 37 - 48 / 49 - 54 / 55 - 68 / 69 - 77 / 78 - 87 / 88 - 95 / 96 - 107.5 / 108 - 113

Number: 69"
Name: Mono
Age: 18 years old
Occupation: unknown
Facts: Mono is the big brother of Stereo
He is one of the most noisy and naughty boys in the world
Number: 70"
Name: Stereo
Age: 16 years old
Occupation: unknown
Facts: He is the other most noisy and naughty boy in the world
Number: 71"
Name: Detective
Age: unknown
Occupation: Reporter
Facts: Detective always bends down or slouches
His nickname is 'Futurwah'
Number: 72"
Name: Seven
Age: unknown
Occupation: Reporter
Facts: Seven is always sweating
He is also always late
Number: 73"
Name: Circle Johnny
Age: unknown
Occupation: Reporter
Facts: Circle Johnny has a large circular head
Number: 74"
Name: DJ Tommy
Age: 29
Occupation: DJ
Facts: DJ Tommy is a world champion scratch DJ
He is crazy for chicken
Girls think he's a cutie
Number: 75"
Name: Jan
Age: unknown
Occupation: Celebrity
Facts: Jan is always busy but always makes time for wakebarding
He always has to catch up with trends
Number: 76"
Name: Future
Age: unknown
Occupation: Graffiti artist
Facts: Future lives in New York
He is also crazy
Number: 77"
Name: Womax
Age: unknown
Occupation: Leader in worldwide alternative music
Facts: Womax is British

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Fan-based web page and illustrations by Noe V. Created circa 2001, restored in March 2024, updated infrequently