Meet the Gardeners 78" - 87"

Gardener pages: 1 - 12 / 13 - 24 / 25 - 36 / 37 - 48 / 49 - 54 / 55 - 68 / 69 - 77 / 78 - 87 / 88 - 95 / 96 - 107.5 / 108 - 113

Number: 78"
Name: German O
Age: unknown
Occupation: Member of Graffiti Group
Facts: He is short
He is terrible at graffiti
Always says 'Graffiti Forever!'
Number: 79"
Name: German F
Age: unknown
Occupation: Member of Graffiti Group
Facts: He is short
He is terrible at graffiti
Always says 'Graffiti Forever!'
Number: 80"
Name: NY Thin
Age: unknown
Occupation: Member of Graffiti Group
Facts: He is short
He is terrible at graffiti
Always says 'Graffiti Forever!'
Number: 81"
Name: NY Fat
Age: unknown
Occupation: Member of Graffiti Group
Facts: He is short
He is terrible at graffiti
Always says 'Graffiti Forever!'
Number: 82"
Name: Micro
Age: unknown
Occupation: Member of Graffiti Group
Facts: He is short
He is terrible at graffiti
Always says 'Graffiti Forever!'
Number: 83"
Name: German O
Number: 84"
Name: German F
Number: 85"
Name: NY Thin
Number: 86"
Name: NY Fat
Number: 87"
Name: Micro

Click on Michael's back to go to the previous Gardener page.

Click on Michael to go to the next Gardener page.

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  • These webpages are for information and educational purposes only.
  • This is a non-profit website.
  • Many images are donated. Please do not take any images.
  • Please do not link to these pages without my permission.
  • Do not link to my images, my bandwidth will not support it.
  • Do not use any images for auction sites, this will force me to close down my site permanently.

Fan-based web page and illustrations by Noe V. Created circa 2001, restored in March 2024, updated infrequently